Friday, July 9, 2010

Welcome Home

After 15 days of being without Daddy, there was much excitement when he finally made it home Thursday night.  The kids had painted and drawn pictures.  They had prepared a skit, a song, and dance all for his welcome home party.  We cooked a nice supper and baked a cake.  When Daddy walked in the door Matthew burst into spontaneous song about Daddy coming home.

It got me thinking, "I wonder if this isn't a taste of what heaven will be like when we are reunited with our Heavenly Father."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


"Today is the best day of my life!" is how Abigail expressed her excitement at having her friend, Anna, over for a sleepover - a first for both of them.  Tonight there is no bedtime.  They can stay up in the living room and watch a movie, talk, play, and giggle all they want.  Their conversation is in Hungarian but they're watching a movie in Russian.  I'm so proud of Abigail's language skills.  I'm thankful she has a good friend to play with.  Sweet dreams, girls!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 11 and Counting

George has been in Grand Rapids for Timothy Leadership Training.  He departs Monday and arrives in Budapest on Tuesday but he has to go from the airport to Romania to lead a seminary continued education class. He will be back home with us on Thursday after 15 days of being apart.  Needless to say, we're missing him!

Our plans to visit lots of friends have been sabotaged by illness.  First Elizabeth and now Abigail is running a high fever with swollen tonsils and a headache.  We've quarantined ourselves at home, painting pictures for Daddy, watching movies, and creating one too!