Sunday, October 18, 2015

Family & School Life

We've finished the first quarter of the school year already.  With all the activities in a week, it seems that Monday through Friday are just one long day.  Matthew is playing soccer for the middle school boy's team which involves practices on Monday and Wednesday with games Tuesdays, Thursdays or both.

Last weekend I had the 5th grade class over to play team-building games.  They concluded that it's hard to accomplish anything when everyone is yelling instructions.  So true!

It's been a fun week for the 5th grade as we also had a field trip to the zoo.

Yesterday was the school's annual Fall Festival.  Abigail sewed an Elsa costume for Elizabeth and I made Abigail's Dorothy costume from the scraps.  Matthew reused a costume from his 6th birthday party.

The girls are taking piano lessons from the new music teacher at school.  The only way we could fit it in was to have the lessons during Matthew's soccer practices since we had to stay late at school anyway.

We'll soon be adding a few years of orthodontist appointments to the schedule as Elizabeth has an open mouth and double cross-bite requiring some serious adjustments.

And so another week is set to begin.